Cooking class for kids- no 2- bilingual- 8 years old and up

Cooking class for kids- no 2- bilingual- 8 years old and up
Saturday 22 March
from 10 am to 12 pm


 4 classes on Saturdays morning from 10am to noon, March 22, 29 and April 5, 12. For 8 years old and older
Bilingual classes and handouts received in the language of choice
Class 1: Breakfast: fruit salad, waffles, pancakes and crepes
Class 2: chicken nuggets, plum sauce, potatoes and pasta salad
Class 3: learn how to make your own pizza dough, tomato sauce and Cesaer salad
Class 4: learn how to make your own pie crust, apple pie and nuns pastry
Cost: 185$ plus taxes